Sunday, December 26, 2010

I'm your Venus

My friends can tell you, there are a few things that I LOVE. 1) ridiculous situations 2) wine and 3) THICK BODIES! I like my men thick. I love the rugby, football player style body, a little gut is fine with me too. I love broad shoulders and a substantial fit torso, but no six packs please. Six packs I find to be shallow. Don't spend all of your time in the gym fellas, you can be active other ways, just toss a ball around a bit, that's all you need. Why do I love a thick bodied man? Not sure, but I think its because there is more to grab on to, more to play with. I love feeling the solidness of a guy. I LOVE the male thigh; the meatier the better. Please, gimmie a turkey leg, yummy. Now nothing against the slender fellows; the majority of my female friends prefer a skinny guy. I'm sorry but I don't want a skeleton on top of me boning me (get it!).
I'm a fan of thick bodied people in general. I love curves and wish more people embraced their own. I got my boobs at age 10, and they just kept growing and growing and growing. I used to be so ashamed of my curves as a teenager because no one else had them and it was such a big deal. It was always "Whitney and her boobs", they had their own comedy act basically, I felt like such a freak amongst the small chested, and I also felt like the enemy. My mom was always causing drama about my shirts and what I wore. I think she just didn't want a slutty playboy daughter; and in her mind I was portraying the role of a black Pam Anderson. This caused me to have ridiculous insecurities for many years. I used to want to be a skinny model type so badly that it was all I thought about, and even though some people complemented me on my hourglass shape I felt so embarrassed because I didn't look like everyone else, all I wanted to do was blend in.
I eventually grew to love my boobs as I graduated high school and went into college, I didn't mind so much that my body was different. I also was very ecstatic when I started working out and got a nice butt to go with my boobs. JACKPOT. Now I realize how boring skinny can be. This is why Joan from Mad Men is my idol. Christina Hendricks, the actress who plays Joan is the Mona Lisa of bodily forms in my mind. When I saw her on TV for the first time I couldn't believe that a woman who had the same exact body type as me was being celebrated. Before Christina Hendricks my body role models were statues of women from the Renaissance. Finally hourglass women are getting love!
I've definitely come into my own as a twenty something woman. I've learned to WERK my body and dress my body and take care of my body. Just because you have a curvy body, that in no way means you can slack off and not take care of it. Let me state for the record curvy-ness does NOT equal unhealthy. I want to keep my tight curvy ass so I make sure I work it out. I'll never be skinny or slender or six feet tall so I don't force my body to be something its not. No matter how much weight I loose my boobs stay the same, which I look at as a blessing.
Although my figure is a rare breed, that in no way means that I allow anyone to disrespect it. You can dress a curvy body in great ways and when I go to work I expect people to treat this well dressed classy shape with courtesy and kindness. Jokes will get you banised for life. Keep your stares to a minimum males, and women don't sneer at me. Yes women I see you look me up and down, what is your problem? I was most likely about you pay you a compliment about some accessory you're wearing but then you decided to give me the judging stare, and now that's shot to shit. My brain is in my my head, don't worry my boobs aren't choking it, I can still use it. I have something valuable to say, and you should listen. To be honest, I get insecure about my body sometimes like everyone does. Besides judgment, shopping is also sometimes frustrating which sucks for me because I LOVE to shop. You must try EVERYTHING on and being only 5'4” makes it much worse, but I deal with it, and keep it moving.
I always heard that as men get older they prefer curvy bodies and as I started dating in college and as a grown up in the real world I'm floored at the attention I get these days. I couldn't pay guys to give me a second glance back in the day; I'm sure part of my invisibility was due to my lack of confidence, as well. Now men message me the weirdest pick up lines about my body, its kinda gross and weird, but hey I don't mind. You can look all you want sir.
I look at my curvy body as an amusement park, a roller coaster ride, and that's why men want it, because they want to play with it. Like I've said before, men are hungry beasts so the ones I let near this body have been carefully screened. I wont let you lay a hand on this body, unless I know that you are going to appreciate what its got goin' on. If you love whats on the outside then you are going to to be overjoyed once I show you my personality.
This blog post may come off as a bit obnoxious or self centered but all I'm trying to get across is body love and show you a glimpse of someone who just recently feel in love with hers. If you don't love your body then how do you expect anyone else to appreciate what you are rockin? Everyone finds a specific body type appealing. I like the the thick men, some women like the skinny and some like all kinds as long as the most important body part is working, it doesn't matter ;-). So my final preachy statement to all my ladies out there: don't compare yourself, don't try to change yourself. Take care of yourselves and love yourselves and the men will follow your lead.

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