Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Helladaze

I'm not a Christmas person for many reasons. Now I'm going to try not to rant here but I just have a few suggestions on how Christmas could be a little better in my opinion. Like how about instead of everyone acting like Christmas isn't about consumerism and presents, and pretending to care about humanity, lets actually do something for humanity. How about instead of buying any presents or hosting expensive excessive parties how about we devote the month to community service. What about making Christmas a family month; where we have the whole month of to devote to family and re connecting with our community. Its one day that people seem to twist in to so many un-important things. I'm so sick of TV specials about ridiculous things such as “A Boyfriend for Christmas” or whatever family TV station wants to show. We should either stop pretending to care about other people while collecting our mountain of presents or we need to forget the greed altogether. I don't buy my Christmas presents until four days before, because I don't get the point. What good does a present do anyway? Presents aren't really about the person you're buying them for, its about our own insecurity. We worry about presents because we are afraid that if the gift isn't good enough it will reflect on us. That is in fact why we stress about these damn gifts and people are crashing their cars in snow storms and fighting in malls. Our economy is bad, lets take a breather!

One thing I kind of like about Christmas is the fashion show at Christmas Eve mass. Like I've said I'm not religious at all, so when my mom acts like she doesn't know this and forces me to go to mass, I'm pissed. The only moment that erases my pain is during communion at mass and watching everyone walk by in their winter outfits. It is a nice reminder of the style of my hometown and our classic Syracuse fashion. Other than that I really cant wait for Christmas to be over. December 26th is when I can breathe a sigh of relief. I just wish that the kindness and hullabaloo would carry into the rest of the year. That is my Christmas wish, for our superficial generosity, and charity to become real. One more thing, I'm sorry but all of my friends on facebook, I don't care what you are doing for the holidays, I don't care about what new present you got or your new posted holiday pics. I'm sorry I don't care, its all sickening wealth masked with fake awareness of those in need.

Now New Years, that is where its at! Its just one big party with friends. A celebration. Sure its also excessive and boozey but I love it! No need to buys everyone presents, no need to cook a huge fancy dinner and stress over family feuds. What about the Fourth of July or Memorial Day. Now those are some damn good holidays as well. I think I am the only out of my group of friends who doesn't really like Christmas and when I tell them this they act astounded, as if I have just said the most offensive thing, ever. I used to love Christmas as a spoiled kid, even as a college student coming home for a month, and now that momma has a real job and I only get 2 days off, its more stressful than fun. I'm sure there is some deep rooted reason inside my neurotic mind concerning “Jesus' Birthday” that makes me want to wrap tinsel around my neck, and maybe some day I'll learn to get back into the Americanized “Its a Wonderful Life” spirit, but for now I guess the Grinch stands alone.

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