Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Great Expectations, ACT I

Authors Note: This blog was written 12/28/10 posted tonight after the horrible date

I thought about calling this post “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” but I didn't want Kanye to sue me. I'm beginning to realize that I have a crazy mind. I think about the weirdest stuff. I guess that's what makes me entertaining. The truth is we all like to fantasize and many girls like to fantasize about people they are attracted to right? This can get you into trouble. When you think a guy is a potential for you, he usually is the opposite. This is what I just learned.
While talking to my friend Seth about Bachelor #3 and our date tomorrow he told me. “Whitney, you like the wrong guys”. He's right I do. I don't mean to, I mean in my beautiful, dark, twisted fantasy they are awesome.  When an asshole sets his sites on me, I embrace him as the nice cute guy. The guy that's been missing.  This exactly what is happening with #3. I'm blinded by his smiley faces in his texts and his laid back approach to actually making an effort. I tell myself his laid back attitude when planning our date was refreshing and maybe that's a good thing. I'm smarter than this people, I know that these are signs, but yet I'm so tempted, oh so tempted.
I'm worried that I've fallen into the spider web of "The Player" again. I didn't mean to at all, but Bachelor #3 might be giving the signals to stay away. How do you know when a man is a player? Bachelor #3 seems like the right guy for me, but some would say otherwise. There have been a series of events though that lead me to believe that our communication thus far has just been a weird series of events and mishaps. Let me explain.
I started to suspect that Bachelor #3 might be playing me/ or perhaps just not that into me when he decided to play by his own rules. We had been messaging for a few days and I was so pumped when he asked me out for a drink, I mean he seemed so nice and funny and genuinely interested in me, such a change from Bachelors #1 and #2. Alas there was a catch to our date! I had to wait til the following week to meet because he was going to be out of town that week. OK OK that's cool, disappointed but still excited, I bounced back. He even gave me his number just in case I wanted to text him while he was away. Um no sweetie. I quickly fired back by coyly (ughh "coy" is barf worthy)  giving him my number and said to myself, if he wants to talk to me while he is off doing w/e in NYC, he'll talk to me. I had all week to fantasize about our upcoming date and his sexiness, I was feeling lots of Zsa Zsa Zou! Ooo!
The Monday after he got back I found a nice little message in my inbox, from Bachelor #3 about our long awaited meet up. My phone died right before he could ask me out! WHY? Or as Lady Gaga would say in the beginning of “Speechless” HOOOOOWWWWWWW?? Since my phone was dead I was powerless, so I decided to just let things be, go to the gym and charge my phone when I got home. Upon charging the damned Android I received his invite for drinks. After apologizing,blaming technology and letting him know I was in fact free, I was ready for more chit chat. But now our timing was all off, he responded after an hour and said he would just call me Wednesday and we could play it by ear. “Play it by ear?!” Play it by ear? No no no. I like structure, lets pick a time and a place and I'll be there in my cutest first date outfit. You cant just call a girl the day of a date to discuss details! Hmph!
Well Wednesday rolled around and let me tell you I was a HOT MESS. The night before was the execution of Bachelor #2 and also a night of fried foods and drinking. I was a rag-a-muffin and a HALF with a running nose and work to do. I was NOT in the mood to wait for Bachelor #3 to call me whenever he felt like it during the day of our date to discuss details, hellz nah. I texted him asking if we could reschedule sighting all my reasons, trying to let him know that I was really excited to meet him. Bachelor #3 seemed cool with it and even threw a cute line “I have a cold, so I'd rather meet you when I'm feeling better :-)” GURL! I ate that shit up! Fucking gobbled it up! I told all my friends! They thought is was the cutest thing too. You men are so slick. I agreed to contact him when I got back to Rochester after the holiday so we could finally get this date underway. So on Monday I did just that.
Authors note: This is a two part blog because I just came back from my date with Bachelor #3 and I feel that due to the change in my opinions of him, I need to completely start fresh with a second act.

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