Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What I've learned in 2 months The Online dating Do's and Dont's

1) Don't get too excited about the guys who give you too many compliments, in their first message to you. You will expect them to do it every time and they wont. They just wanna reel you in for the first initial contact
2) Don't answer guys who tell you they decided to message you because they are “bored at work”, you are not their entertainment
3) Don't get too excited about guys who you think are perfect for you or your "type"...they aren't and they probably aren't interested
4) Do let guys know you're not interested, you will have a clearer conscious and he will feel better too in the long run
5) Don't feel obligated to go on a second date, you're wasting your time and theirs. Greener pastures baby!
6) Do pay attention to his body language and how he carries himself on your dates, he should be   focused on you, not the girl behind you or the piano player (ahem Bachelor #4)
7) Do state what you are looking for upfront (ex: relationship, casual dating, casual and convenient sex)
8) Don't check the site everyday, even if you get a ton of messages. If you check everyday,  eventually one day you'll log in to no messages and have a shallow breakdown alone in your room
9) Do take everything with a grain of salt , delusion and humor!
10) Don't just have a messaging relationship, get the coffee date within the first few exchanges or move one to the next potential guy
11) Don't let him give you his number, he should ask for yours
12) Do read his profile carefully, you should know what he is looking for as well. If he says he is looking for a relationship but isn't messaging you regularly and eventually asking you, he isn't looking to be in a relationship with YOU (365 Days of Summer rule!)
13) Do delete him from your inbox if you see that he is on the site daily but choosing not to participate in your message feed anymore. Don't wait around for his reply, or next set of questions. Delete, delete, delete.
14) Do repsond back to guys that you wouldn't normally be attracted to, those are the funny ones
15) Don't get drawn to the guys who come off as sarcastic in their profiles, sarcastic is a nice way of saying, ass-hole. If they cant even have a good attitude about filling out their profile, they probably aren't going to treat you with a good attitude either. They dont belong on the site.
16) Do realize that this is online dating, not The Notebook
17) Don't take it personally, it most likely has nothing to do with you, we all have our issues and sometimes take it out on other people am I right!?
18) Do realize that you are a catch even if they he doesn't realize it, its his loss
19) Don't try to be a player with the men. Only date as many men as you can handle, or you will get overwhelmed and perhaps not get to know the guys as carefully. They are fragile flowers too.
20) Don't become obsessed, or measure your self worth according to the website.There is so much more to who you are than your online dating profile.
21) Do realize that all is fair in online love and war
22) Get it girl! <3

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