Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fleeting thought #4

I have this new phrase that I use for when I start liking a guy. Lets keep in mind that 99% if the time I end up liking the wrong guys. This new phrase helps me to remember that these feelings are just weird chemicals in my brain and that I may be getting ahead of myself. When it starts to happen I stop and tell myself; “Girl, he is gonna turn you into Taylor Swift”.
Taylor Swift sings about every moment of a relationship in her albums and she does so with no shame. Giddy and full of love and hope, then cursing his name and letting us know all his business. As you listen to her albums you cant help but think “Damn, that girl has dealt with a lot of jerks”. My girl Tay Sweezey has had a number of relationships (Joe Jonas, Taylor Lauhtner, John Mayer), none of them ending well. Yet in the beginning of each album we start off with something about “its a love story” and “you belong with me” and you're “mine”, then we get to the middle of the album and its all, “tell me why”, its “too late for your white horse”, "the girl in the dress cried the whole way home" and my personal favorite “sit in the corner and think about what you did”. By track 11 or 12 we are hopeful again and perhaps “fearless”. Tay Tay continues to believe in love; she has an undying spirit and she lets herself fall again and again.
That's why when I feel myself start warm up to the idea of falling for a guy and I starting fantasizing about this and that; I stop and ask myself if I really wanna go down the Taylor Swift road. I mean its a good road to experience, everyone should take the plunge, but once you head down Swifty Lane there is no turning back, and then you're just left consulting the Taylor Swift lyric libraries for answers and understanding. Today I read that Princess Tay and Jake Gyllenhal ended their like 3 month relationship. And another one bites the dust. This us a win-win for me! 1) I get to know all of their relationship business set to music in her next album. Its like JAKE! The Musical! 2) I get my fantasy personal assistant back!

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