Thursday, January 27, 2011

I'm Sorry "......."

So they way I treated Bachelor #1 has been weighing on my conscious for a while. I know what its like to be ignored and I feel very bad for never giving that nice boy an explanation. So about 2 weeks ago I decided to woman up and apologize to him.
I'm really sorry for not getting back to you. It was not a good week, I had to tell a guy that I was dating that I wanted to end things, and I didn't feel right getting together with you again while that was going on. Unfortunately I don't think I'm into dating right now. The site is overwhelming and I think I just have been on too many dates. Although I wanted to let you know that I had a great time meeting you and I would love to hang out as friends, if that is something you're into. If not I totally understand. Anyway please accept my apology for not responding to you on time like an adult should.
I hope you had a great holiday, and New Years.

Take Care,
Whit "

His response was to be expected. Something like “That's cool I get it, thanks”.  A few days later he canceled his account on the site. Even though it didn't work out. I wish we could have been friends. This apology may have seemed pointless, but it gave me a clear conscious. Although being passive aggressive is my specialty I'm learning that that way of life will get you no where, and sometimes you just need to step it up. Still to this day I have no idea what his name is, I guess it doesnt matter.

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