Sunday, June 5, 2011


About a month ago I made the decision to disable my OK Cupid account. Now I find myself wanting to activate it again. Nothing really changed after I removed myself from the site. The only real difference is now my inner circle of friends is currently single...kinda.
Its been nice having the gang back together again. I don't have to meet or hang out with any one's significant other, and we all have buckets of free time, which allows us to run around the city and have a Ke$ha kind of summer. 85 days left in this town seems like a lot of time, but in actuality it is going to fly by.
As I enter the month of June the true beginning of summer, I cant help but wonder “why” do I want to put myself back out there into the cyber dating freak show?
Well when I have a dilemma I usually just dwell on it and make the safe choice. For this dilemma, I think its best to make a Pros and Cons list. Examining benefits and the set backs and the why's as well. Why I want to go back and why I left.

Pros to OK Cupid
  1. Meet new guys
  2. Challenge myself
  3. Build more confidence/ Swag
  4. Learn how to deal with guys that don't tip toe around your feelings
  5. Realizing that all types of men can be interesting
  6. Topics for my blog!
  7. Learned that there are some nice guys out there, and most of them are just as messed up as we are

Cons/Why I left the site
      1. Some men are sexist assholes who would message you the dirtiest most unnecessary comments
      2. Guys on the site didn't want the same things I wanted. (Many men on the site are on it for serious relationships).
      3. They never looked/represented themselves the same way in person as they did on the site
      4. I never wanted to go on a second date with any of these men after the first
      5. 1st dates become exhausting after a while
      6. It's always such a production from the initial sighting of guy question via his profile picture, to the first message exchanged, to setting up the first date to the texting and confirmation and finally the “after the first date” verdict.
OK, so there are 7 Pros and 6 cons. OK. Now lets examine why I've suddenly decided to go back on the site.
-Why Not?
I feel that by posing my profile back on the site, nothing really changes. I've realized that I do
do not have to put pressure on myself to go on a date with a guy if I don't want to. I don't have respond back to a man who I'm not into or a man who is an ass, or feel guilt-ed into going on dates again with guys I don't want to be going on dates with.

I need to start practicing what I'm attempting to preach, which means I need to STOP putting unnecessary pressure on myself. Even if I don't want anything serious, I can still be on a dating site right? Looking for that one guy who might be fun to hang out with. There's nothing to really lose, and you might as well say you tried than hid in a corner, just saying. I think I will keep my profile up when I move to NYC in August as well. I was initially against this idea for many reasons. Reasons that really don't make sense I guess. I still have that perfect fantasy of a sexy Jewish NYC man asking me out at a coffee, shop but until that fabulous day comes I suppose we should take our destiny into our own hands. This time around things will be different! Well.... I know that I will be different. So here's to a more pleasant journey. I hope.

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