Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Well hello there

Well hello there

I'm Whit, just another twenty two single gal trying to make sense of whatever this life is. I'm currently residing in the East End of Rochester NY, a swanky indie area filled with Urban Outfitters lookalikes all in bands with free spirited outlooks. 

My friends have been telling me to start a blog or create webisodes for years. Not wanting to be another cliché I always declined but now I'm starting to think that I should share these weird thoughts with the world, because I'm finding people feel the same way I do!

The big issue plaguing all my single girl friends these days: where are all the cute guys who want to sleep with us? We all have been in relationships, the good the bad the ugly. But what I seem to be finding is that the twenty something gals these days don't want a Noah from The Notebook they just want and orgasm with the occasional dinner date once, maybe twice a week! We're busy working women, we wanna have fun but don't want the bullshit and the drama of what comes along with dating guys.

We all think we want our relationships to be a John Mayer song until we realize...um that shit is horrible. Full of games and tears and drama. Yet at the same time the games and the drama is what us ladies thrive on.

We go out a few times a week. Chat w/ a few guys and don't get numbers. I mean what are we doing wrong. In a drunken rage one night I declared “we are the prettiest girls here, these boys should be talking to us!!” and I'm sorry but its true. We're all beautiful, smart girls who wanna just have a chill time. Is it because we travel in packs that scare the men?

Call me hopeless but I think there is that perfect person out there for everyone. All I'm asking the Gods is to give me a handful of other experiences with objects of affection. Give me challenges, give me a little experience so when I meet the “one” I'll know for sure. I wanna have fucked up relationships and wonderful ones but I want to get my hands dirty, in a real way. I've had some interesting male interaction this far, but I'm hardly done! I have many more guys to discover and many more stories to share!

Its not like college where you pretty much could find a drunken stranger just as emotionally immature and lost as you were, do your thing and never see him/her again. Or in my case end up always having weird 2 day romances with friends of my guy friends. Ugh we'll get into my issues later.Something has to be said for a girl who has every episode of Sex and the City, two copies of He's Just Not that Into You and the movies for both of these titles. And did I mention this girl (ME) is STILL single and confused as all hell. Something is not connecting, and I know I'm not alone

And because the pickings are so slim I'm finding that you now have to compete with your friends. You both see the cute guy in the red shirt and fantasize, but in realty he is not into either one of you because by the end of the night you're both heading home alone or even without a convo exchange from Mc Dreamy.

So this blog is about everything, (I promise not just about finding a mate) because everything is always on my mind and I know on many people's minds. Oh we'll talk about the single gals lament but we'll talk about other things too. Its rough out there and one twenty something chick to another.... we should be able to relate.

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