Wednesday, April 27, 2011

“Here's to the ladies who brunch”

After a busy week and most likely a drunken Saturday night; nothing brings me more joy than Sunday Brunch with my girls. The evolution of Sunday Brunch started about 3 or 4 months ago. Laura had an exciting date scheduled with a man who liked to Tango (seriously! Tango!) She was meeting him for brunch in one of the many swanky cafes our neighborhood possesses. Well since Becca, Shannon and myself had a free Sunday morning, we decided to do a little brunch of our own. We couldn't help it if our brunch was at the restaurant next door to Laura's cafe, right?
Out of all the great ideas we have had, I must declare that Sunday brunch is one of the best. You will never feel as glamorous and as grown up as you do at Sunday brunch. It is every twenty-something female hipster's delight. Relaxing in your jeans and pashmina scarf, while feasting on eggs over medium. From that very first Sunday we vowed that we would keep Sunday brunch a tradition. As we finished our delicious meal we realized that Laura hadn't texted us yet to meet up. Which could only mean one thing: She was STILL on her date. Hmmmmmm. Well well well, things must have been heating up. Since the three of us had nothing on our schedules for that Sunday afternoon (aka no lives of our own), we decided to wait it out. This game is also known as “Lets creep around Park Avenue until Laura is done with her date”. And creepin is exactly what we did my friends.
We walked up and down the block. Looking in stores, looking in the restaurant window where Laura was. As I write this I realize how weird this sounds, but trust me it was a lot more fun and exciting at the time. We as humans often fail to realize that “spy mode” to us is actually considered stalker mode to others. The three if us finally decided to settle in at the sandwich shop directly across from Laura's location and grab some tea. About an hour and a half had gone by, so we were pretty curious as to what this guy was all about. What could they be doing in there? Had she found Mr. Right? Will she ever join us on our single ladies brunches? Or would she never get to experience it with us!?
If you are single woman and you decide to go out in public on a Sunday afternoon you'll probably want to retreat after an hour or so. Why you may ask? Well, all of the damn couples. Everyone decides to couple up and parade around on Sunday morning/afternoon, Park Ave is deadly during this time. Couples of every shape, size, age, race are out holding hands strolling along, smiling and dining out. Couples can usually be spotted dressed casually in sweatpants (probably because they casually rolled out of bed after having crazy morning sex and now its time to display their love while eat waffles or whatever), besides they don't have to impress anyone! Who cares!? Sometimes the couples can be seen accompanied by pets, or parents or siblings...or all three.
If you are a single girl, no matter how fabulous and fierce and independent you may be. I don't care if you just had the best no-strings attached one night stand the night before. When you step out into the “Danger Zone” on a Sunday afternoon all you can think is “What the hell is going on? Damn all this cuteness. FML. I want a boyfriend”. Pathetic I know.
Well I had my girls at my side this one dangerous morning. While we waited for our break out dating superstar: Ms. Laura, we watched all of the couples and we decided to play a little game. I highly suggest you all play. The name of the game is “1 to 100”: you sit in a crowded area and check out all of the men. If you would in fact sleep with the man in question you tally him down on your piece of paper. By the end of an hour or so you count up all your men and compare you scores. A good amount of time in our “screw by numbers” game, we noticed that Laura was almost THREE HOURS into her date! Then.....we saw her very own Bachelor #4. They were walking right past our cafe window! Thankfully she didn't see us, and we were able to get a pretty good look at her date. He received mixed reviews on his “bone-ability” but he was Laura's man, not ours. After a few minutes of staring at them while they said their good byes, we immediately called her and commanded her to come join us.
While the origin of Ladies Sunday Brunch was born out of a a spy mission, and it has evolved into a great tradition. As a result of one random afternoon we realized how important our friendship had become. Our year in Rochester was just beginning, filled with fears, hopes, and expectations. We may not have all of the answers but on that Sunday in the coffee shop we knew we had each other. Now instead of venturing out into the couple filled landmine that is our neighborhood; we host Ladies Brunch on our own. Cooking together, catching up on the week, discussing whatever is on our minds. Not only can we stuff our faces but we can also do it in our pajamas. Don't worry we haven't let ourselves go. Every now and then we'll put on our Sunday best and head over to the Drag Brunch; the Mecca of brunches.
So why am I writing about Sunday brunch? Why is it even a relevant topic to this blog? Well I believe that as a result of brunch my sanity has been somewhat restored. Men may come and go, people may piss us off at work, we may not meet our own expectations for the week, and we may just wind up feeling a little lack luster; but we can always count on Sunday afternoons filled with good food, good conversation and good friends. I would take that over morning sex and brunch with my man's parents any day of the week. Maybe some day I'll feel different but for right now, Single Sunday is exactly where I want to be.

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