Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dry Spell

Well hello there! I'm just the worst! I realize I used to be a 2 blog a week girl and now I'm maybe once a month, if you're lucky. I've been pretty busy with work and making plans for next year that I haven't had time for a night to stay in. A night to blissfully type away while listening to Adele's greatest hits while guzzling my Barefoot wine, but the night my friends. Maybe the real reason I haven't been blogging, and I've been spending less and less time alone is that I'm just plain RESTLESS. Sorry if you thought I was going to say I found a man or a lovahhhhh or a boyfriend of something along those lines. Nope. Sorry. Although I have has some note able male interactions these past few months, none have been that monumental.
I'm tired you guys. Tired because of this crappy winter weather. Tired of dating lack luster guys. Tired of worrying about next year's plans and also tired of being a whiny bitch. No more whining. Since springtime is refusing to show itself I need to create some springtime within me! If I'm going to take this new sunshine filled outlook seriously, we might as well re-visit my cloudy wintery past briefly I guess. Can you believe its April already?! I will finally update you loyal readers. I'll tell the tales of Bachelors #4 through #7 and a few other anecdotes about what my life has been like during this hiatus. You deserve it, your patience is appreciated. So without further ado, lets begin.

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