Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Hey yah! Its been a while I know. I felt like I was on a roll recently with my blogs and communicating with all of you, and then something horrible happened!  My computer crashed. I mean...gone. Turned it on one day and I saw a blue screen with some gibberish and that was it.
13 pages of blogs and ideas gone. That was about 3 weeks ago and I haven't been feeling like writing a blog since. Not because I don't want to but because, its not the same! I still have many topics and ideas to post to you all, but writing them down isn't the same as typing away on my little Dell laptop (appropriately named "A-Dell/Adele"). I cant even explain how good it is to just drink some wine and listen to some bad pop music and type away, just type type type.
Its so sad that A-Dell is gone, but maybe its a sign. At least I can say I've been on hiatus right? Like a celebrity. And now I can finally get up to date on the latest technology with my new computer. I've also been trying to get things in order for my big move to NYC and working 2 jobs has turned me into an unkempt zombie woman. Its gross and I'm looking forward to a fabulous weekend with friends to set me back into the groove. I promise to start writing more before I hit New York. I have to figure out a way to phase out of Rochester. I'm sick of this place yet feel there is still so much for me to do here! Dilemma!!!!!! I'll try to catch you all up to what's been going on lately! Stay tuned!  
Whit <3

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